Coming Soon: Monthly Art Style Challenge Winners

Each month, we feature a randomly generated set of stylistic elements on our Art Style Challenge, inviting artists to submit works that incorporate all these elements. We will feature the best submissions here, with links to the artists' websites.

The stylistic elements for September’s Art Style Challenge are the following:

  • Basic Way of Seeing: Representation with Expressive Marks
  • Aesthetic: Crude/Clumsy
  • Indication of Form: Minimal Shading
  • Texture/Mark Making: Dripped
  • Treatment of Edges: Erratic
  • Focus of Attention: Multi-panel
  • Lightness/Darkness: Full Value Range
  • Color Range: Medium Saturation
  • Emotional Tone: Straight/Serious
  • Genre: Figurative
  • Distortion of Form: Caricature