The stylistic elements for September’s Art Style Challenge are the following:

  • Basic Way of Seeing: Representation with Expressive Marks
  • Aesthetic: Crude/Clumsy
  • Indication of Form: Minimal Shading
  • Texture/Mark Making: Dripped
  • Treatment of Edges: Erratic
  • Focus of Attention: Multi-panel
  • Lightness/Darkness: Full Value Range
  • Color Range: Medium Saturation
  • Emotional Tone: Straight/Serious
  • Genre: Figurative
  • Distortion of Form: Caricature

Submit your entry here for this month’s Art Style Challenge (one entry per artist.) The deadline is the end of the month. We understand that some artists might not be able to pay a standard submission fee, so we simply ask that you make a donation of whatever amount you can to help us keep this going (donations secured through PayPal.)

All fields below are required.
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