Each time you refresh this page you get a unique set of stylistic elements below… one of more than 18 billion possible combinations. Use these elements for inspiration or spin the dials to make your own selections.
Basic Way of Seeing


If your 2D image will create a sense of three-dimensional form, consider...
Indication of Form
If your piece will not be rendered flatly or smoothly, consider...
Texture/Mark Making
Treatment of Edges
Focus of Attention
If your 2D image will not be limited to pure black and pure white…
Color Range
Emotional Tone
If you're looking for a direction regarding subject, the following generator includes a set of basic genres. (Ignore this if your "Basic Way of Seeing" is "Pure Abstraction" or "Expressive Action".)


Distortion of Form
Note that some elements on the dials above might not seem compatible with each other. That incompatibility could make for an interesting piece, but you might choose to ignore a randomly generated element or two or flick through the dials to something you like better. You can also use our Style Form to receive your stylistic choices via email.

Each month, we feature a randomly generated set of stylistic elements on our Art Style Challenge, inviting artists to submit works that incorporate all these element. We feature the best submissions, with links to the artists' websites.

More than 18 billion stylistic combinations are possible on Art Style Generator, but this should not be considered an exhaustive catalog of visual possibilities. Considering the great variety of possible color palettes, art materials, subject matter, and juxtapositions/combinations of stylistic elements, the possibilities are truly infinite.

For further exploration, tap or click on any one of the stylistic elements above to go to a page on the Art Style Generator Blog, where you will find a description of that element (and where we will soon feature corresponding works from museums, galleries, and individual artists.)